A Green Marina

All-rounded Green Marina 
It is the vision of The Baroque on Lamma to create a world class marina designed, constructed and managed in compliance with ISO14001 requirements and meeting the Blue Flag Eco-Label, or its equivalent. There will be a strong emphasis on water quality and nourishment of marine life within the marina harbour basin taking advantage of the “artificial reef” environment created by the breakwater and the submarine structures. We have set ambitious aims to make use of various forms of renewable energies including investigation into the use of the breakwater construction for harnessing wave and tidal stream to generate clean power for the whole development. The breakwater structure also affords opportunities to provide rain water reservoir and district heating/cooling plant rooms.

To facilitate future implementation of its green vision, The Baroque on Lamma undertake comprehensive survey of emerging green technologies and concepts and make allowance for these during the conceptual planning stage. The placement and construction method of the breakwater will take due consideration of impact on marine ecology, water quality, and sediment transportation on the adjoining Tung O beach.

Maintaining and Enhancing Water Quality

Encouraging Marine Bio-diversity