In 2014, BoL hosted the Breakwater Innovative Ideas Competition for Hong Kong tertiary students. The competition encourages them to think creatively on how to enhance the functions of the breakwater. Workshops, talks, field visits to Hoi Ha, Wetland Park and Lamma Island were arranged for the participants.
BoL have been supporting the idea that development can coexist with conservation. The project aims to conserve the natural habitat while revitilising the local community to attain a sustainable community. The competition requires participants to think creatively on how to add value to the U-shape double breakwater with respect to the local context – history, location, environment, local resources, etc., so that the breakwater will be more than just a breakwater. Here are some photos of the competition and winning ideas. Their brilliant ideas are possible to be applied in our future breakwater development and become part of the public recreational hub of Hong Kong.