Comprehensive Low Carbon Development Framework of BoL – Waste and Materials   ( 2014/08/20 )

Last time, we have explored the key strategies of ‘Water’ for BoL and as promised, we will talk about the ‘Waste and Materials’ strategies in this episode of “Comprehensive Low Carbon Development Framework”. The goal for waste and materials management is to optimise opportunities to reduce waste and maximise reuse and recycle of materials consumed during construction and operation.

Waste is no longer being recognised as disposable materials, but resources. There are 3 types of waste and material management, which can take place during the planning and construction stages of BoL, these include minimising the production of waste, separating recyclable materials and separating organic waste. The separation of waste and its processing are definitely the most complicated areas.

Key Solutions
Materials (Planning Stage)
Material choices impact the energy used and carbon emitted for the lifetime of the building/project. For instance, materials that are delivered from another country will require more energy output, or greater carbon emitted than locally sourced materials. Also, the materials used in the project will determine the efficiency of the building envelope to release or retain heat. This will directly impact the energy use of building throughout its lifetime. BoL is recommended to use as much recycled materials as possible, such as blast furnace slag, or pulverised fuel ash.

Waste Management (Construction Stage)

During the construction stage, a Construction Waste Management Plan should be implemented to minimise construction waste production. The plan should clearly indicate BoL’s proper waste separation and disposal procedures. Targets should be set for recyclable amount. At construction stage, there will be extensive use of precast elements to reduce wastage on site as well as waste sorting for recycling. We shall use recycled material as much as possible, e.g. external landscaping and paving etc. On site compositing will also be adopted to deal with organic waste generated.

Waste Management (Operational Stage)
During the operational stage, waste should be separated into recyclables, non-recyclable and organic waste. Organic waste will be composted, and all other waste will undergo thermal treatment. Recycling practices should be promoted by providing recycling bins and educational talks. During operation, waste from different parts of BoL will be sorted at source for recycling. Organic waste will be composted and, through adoption of different technologies, turn into fertilisers for general landscaping or organic farming, fish food for fish culture zones at Lamma, and even as bio-fuel for power. Used kitchen oil from restaurants, hotel and yacht club will be collected for conversion into bio-diesel which will be reused at the tri-generation plant for district heating and cooling. Feasibility of turning non-recyclable and non-organic waste into energy will be investigated and the facilities may also accept wasted oil from the yachts. Sewage from the residential community, hotel and marina will be given three-stage treatment and effluent will be reused for washing, irrigation, etc. and will not be discharged into the stream courses or the sea. Sludge will be used as fertiliser or turned into “energy cube”.

After all these, there will be very little residual waste that needed to be shipped to landfill.

Key Outcomes

  • Reduced consumption of primary resources 
  • Clean energy from renewable sources 
  • Reduce Co2 emissions from reuse and recycling
  • Public perceives waste as resources so that they comply with the waste management system 
  • Change behaviours to create shared values and a better quality of life
  •  Provide energy security through waste-to-energy plant
In our next update on the series of “Comprehensive Low Carbon Development Framework”, we will review the ‘Access and Mobility’ strategies, which focus on the transportation system of BoL! Stay tuned!

Waste and Materials strategies of BoL

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